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Art is (not) blank. ​©Studio 9th llc. All right reserved.



Studio 9th - 2023 Showreel

About us



Studio 9th is not only a group of craftsmen in creative work such as photography, video, and design production, but also a branding partner for our clients' products and services. It's not about the big scale that consulting firms do, but often the right advice for the client at the right time (sometimes you need to run more than you walk, right?). . Our mission is to explore the value of brands from a creative perspective and help our clients achieve their objectives.

Studio9th's role is to be the creative section that brings something extra to the client. Any ideal is meaningless unless it becomes a reality. As visualization professionals, we work with our clients to develop their images and guide them to masterpieces, sometimes using image branding as a method of choice.



Studio9th's creative policy is that the final product should be "sophisticated" and we also pay attention to the "process of refinement". We also value the process of refinement. Refining and understanding what has been removed at the same time improves the value of the brand. The slogan "Art is (not) blank" expresses our staff's sensitivity to the beauty of "blank spaces" and "appropriate spacing. We are posting this statement in the hope that we can provide a highly compatible matching experience.

Studio 9th のクリエイティブ・ポリシーは、創出するコンテンツが"洗練されている"こと。そして"洗練されてゆく過程"にも目を向けます。磨き上げる行為と同時に、何を削ぎ落したのかを知覚する事がブランドの価値を高めると信じています。自社のキーワードである【Art is (not) blank】は、「余白」や「適切な間」を美しいと感じる所属クリエイターたちの感性にも起因します。私たちは親和性の高いマッチング体験を提供できるよう願い、この声明を掲載します。




be necessary.

be sophisticated.

be real.








They are Studio 9th / 2023

We support new business and business creation startups with affiliated vendors and external partners. We will propose appropriate approaches as well as packaged services.

提携事業者および外部パートナーによる新規事業 / 事業創出のスタートアップをサポートします。パッケージでのサービス提供だけでなく、適切な規模でのスポット・アシストをご提案させていただきます。

2.Business development

Our core business is contracted creative work. Photography and videography, audio recording, editing work, and direction.Web design, DTP design, and product design are also in our scope of work.


1.Creative & Design

Business area

We will act as a media operation agent, developing and disseminating our own media. As a Kawagoe City business, we also disseminate information for regional revitalization.


4.Media release / Community

In addition to creative work requested by partner businesses, we also assist in progress management (work efficiency improvement, workflow planning, etc.). We also manage our own creators.



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